An alien Clapton, usually referred to as an alien, is a de-cored Clapton, wrapped around a multi-strand core. It is similar to a fused Clapton, except the outer wrap has a very distinct texture. Aliens have a slower ramp-up time than fused Claptons due to their larger surface area.
The textured outer wrap is achieved by building a regular Clapton, then carefully removing the inner core. Then, it’s wrapped around a multi-strand core containing the same gauge as the original core that was removed. The first builder to pull this off is known as Blueeyedgoon83.
Alien claptons come in low resistances for sub ohm vaping
Aliens are thick and require a deck with very large post holes or a clamp-style deck.
They are made with a de-cored clapton wrapped around three or more parallel cores.
Aliens have a slower ramp-up time than fused Claptons of the same resistance
They are hard to perfect and require mastery of making Claptons and fused Claptons.
1 x 10ft Spool
Alien Clapton
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